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Deep clean your LinkedIn account

Easy fixes to:

Declutter your notifications
Limit unwanted messages and requests
Reduce risk of phishing or hiring scams
Enhance account security
Privacy Party is a browser extension that deep cleans your social media, notifications, settings, and more in one click.

Privacy Party’s recommendations for deep cleaning your LinkedIn account:

Limit email visibility to first degree connections

Sharing your email address publicly, or with distant connections, and allowing your email to be exported, increases your risk of phishing attacks, invasive advertising, and unsolicited emails. However, limiting email visibility may also affect people's ability to contact you for career opportunities.
To automate this update, use Privacy Party:
Get the browser extension
Get the browser extension

Limit notifications

Turn off various LinkedIn notifications to declutter your inbox and reduce the number of messages clamoring for your attention. If you're actively job searching or hiring, you may want to keep some of these notification settings on.
To automate this update, use Privacy Party:
Get the browser extension
Get the browser extension

Limit active status visibility

Being able to see when you are active on the platform allows harassers and stalkers to time their threatening messages more effectively, increasing the possibility that they can disrupt your day.
To automate this update, use Privacy Party:
Get the browser extension
Get the browser extension

Limit discoverability of your profile

Removing the ability for people to find your LinkedIn profile via phone number or email address makes it harder for scammers or identity thieves to find your personal information and build fake profiles with your data or otherwise misappropriate it for fraudulent use.
To automate this update, use Privacy Party:
Get the browser extension
Get the browser extension

Do not represent your company

"Represent Company" proactively features your account in search results or sponsored ads about your employer. If your company is being targeted in a hiring scam, you are more likely to be impersonated to defraud others as a representative of the company.
To automate this update, use Privacy Party:
Get the browser extension
Get the browser extension

Keep connections list private

Easily seeing your professional network lets attackers use information in your profile to make phishing or impersonation campaigns more realistic. However, some people like this feature for networking — for example, so others can see who they are connected with to make introductions. Even if you turn off this feature, people will still be able to see your mutual connections.
To automate this update, use Privacy Party:
Get the browser extension
Get the browser extension

Keep your current location private

Sharing your location on LinkedIn can be risky — even the smallest location clues can make it easier to find your specific address and office addresses are often public. However, there are tradeoffs to removing your current location: you may reduce your visibility for professional opportunities, like jobs or networking events.
To automate this update, use Privacy Party:
Get the browser extension
Get the browser extension

Use two-factor authentication

It can be particularly damaging to lose control of your LinkedIn account and thus your profile on the default professional platform. Two-factor authentication is an essential part of keeping your account secure.
  1. Open Two Step Verification
  2. Choose the two-factor authentication method that fits your needs (we strongly recommend authentication app)
  3. Follow the setup instructions