Don't wait for
 to come snooping
Block Party deep cleans your social media, notifications, settings, and more in one click
Add to browser
Available on desktop for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge
How it works:
Install the extension
Download and sign up for Block Party to add the extension to your browser.
Review your personalized privacy recommendations
The extension will scan your social accounts for potential exposures. You’ll get expert recommendations to secure your online presence.
Sit back and let Block Party make updates for you
Decide what works best for you and skip the rest. Automations do the hard work and update your settings so you don’t have to.
See what Block Party can deep clean on your accounts
Check out our automations and cleanup tools.
A Letter from the CEO
We deserve a safer internet
Hey, I'm Tracy Chou. I've been on the internet for most of my life. I've made friends, made enemies, and seen every side of this place we call online. This is my story.
People love Block Party
Mike Masnick

Founder, Techdirt

Professional tech wonk
Even as someone who closely follows the tech industry and writes about privacy issues, I find it's difficult to fully keep up with how to properly protect myself online.

Block Party has been a huge boost in helping me feel more secure in how I use many online platforms, knowing that it helps me make better choices with my settings and guiding me through what the tradeoffs are for various decisions.
It's like having a privacy expert sitting with me and helping me protect my own privacy.
Mike Masnick

Founder, Techdirt

Professional tech wonk
Even as someone who closely follows the tech industry and writes about privacy issues, I find it's difficult to fully keep up with how to properly protect myself online.

Block Party has been a huge boost in helping me feel more secure in how I use many online platforms, knowing that it helps me make better choices with my settings and guiding me through what the tradeoffs are for various decisions.
It's like having a privacy expert sitting with me and helping me protect my own privacy.
I genuinely had no idea how much of my info was out there. Kind of scary tbh?? The app made it v easy to find issues and fix them without digging through 800 settings pages, which is the only reason I got it fixed, honestly.
I genuinely had no idea how much of my info was out there. Kind of scary tbh?? The app made it v easy to find issues and fix them without digging through 800 settings pages, which is the only reason I got it fixed, honestly.
Chrome Web Store
Ginny Fahs

Product Director, Consumer Reports

Advocate for consumer protection and data rights
Default account settings are designed to benefit the company, not the user. Block Party clarifies which settings are actually to my benefit, and makes it easy to make those updates.
To give one example, I always thought it was strange that Venmo payments were publicly visible. Who I'm exchanging money with is sensitive; I don't want to share those details with everyone I know. Block Party made it easy to update my Venmo settings so that every new payment is private by default. It's a relief not needing to double and triple check privacy settings on every new payment, and I have Block Party to thank.
Ginny Fahs

Product Director, Consumer Reports

Advocate for consumer protection and data rights
Default account settings are designed to benefit the company, not the user. Block Party clarifies which settings are actually to my benefit, and makes it easy to make those updates.
To give one example, I always thought it was strange that Venmo payments were publicly visible. Who I'm exchanging money with is sensitive; I don't want to share those details with everyone I know. Block Party made it easy to update my Venmo settings so that every new payment is private by default. It's a relief not needing to double and triple check privacy settings on every new payment, and I have Block Party to thank.
Easily saved me an hour of work, if not more. I probably wouldn't have updated my privacy settings without this. I feel much more protected online.
Easily saved me an hour of work, if not more. I probably wouldn't have updated my privacy settings without this. I feel much more protected online.
Matthew G.
Chrome Web Store
I love how it automatically recommended which privacy settings to update AND did the heavy lifting for me. All internet users should take control of their privacy and this tool makes it easy to do.
I love how it automatically recommended which privacy settings to update AND did the heavy lifting for me. All internet users should take control of their privacy and this tool makes it easy to do.
Annie L.
Chrome Web Store
Nina Jankowicz

Author, How to Be a Woman Online

Fighting back against gendered abuse and disinformation
Block Party is an incredibly useful one stop shop to take control of your online footprint. I sleep better knowing I haven't exposed any personal information unintentionally.
The extension also means I don't need to stay on top of the constantly shifting terms of service on each social platform; Block Party does it for me.
Nina Jankowicz

Author, How to Be a Woman Online

Fighting back against gendered abuse and disinformation
Block Party is an incredibly useful one stop shop to take control of your online footprint. I sleep better knowing I haven't exposed any personal information unintentionally.
The extension also means I don't need to stay on top of the constantly shifting terms of service on each social platform; Block Party does it for me.
Proves to be a no-nonsense extension aimed at safeguarding personal information on social media platforms... The automation feature is a timesaver, handling most of the tedious task of updating privacy settings across's clear that no personal or login data is collected during this process as everything operates straight from the browser.
Proves to be a no-nonsense extension aimed at safeguarding personal information on social media platforms... The automation feature is a timesaver, handling most of the tedious task of updating privacy settings across's clear that no personal or login data is collected during this process as everything operates straight from the browser.
Sonny M.
Chrome Web Store
Louis Barclay

Founder, 12 Challenges

Famously banned from Facebook for advocacy towards consumer choice
I think of myself as very privacy-conscious, so wasn't sure I needed Block Party. Wrong. Within minutes of installing, I found out I was leaking personal data on Twitter and LinkedIn and fixed both.
Great UX, love sitting back and watching as the tool auto-scans through and discovers settings I need to tighten up. Basically a bona fide lifesaver.
Louis Barclay

Founder, 12 Challenges

Famously banned from Facebook for advocacy towards consumer choice
I think of myself as very privacy-conscious, so wasn't sure I needed Block Party. Wrong. Within minutes of installing, I found out I was leaking personal data on Twitter and LinkedIn and fixed both.
Great UX, love sitting back and watching as the tool auto-scans through and discovers settings I need to tighten up. Basically a bona fide lifesaver.