Block Party Known Issues

Platform Changes

We do our best to keep our privacy recommendations and automations up to date, but we usually don't learn about platform changes until after they happen. An updated setting name or new settings page, often breaks our ability to automate your settings scans and updates.

Here we'll keep you up to date with the breaking changes that we are aware of and how they impact the Privacy Party extension. If you are encountering an issue that is not listed below, please email us at [email protected].

Facebook UK English language detection

If your Facebook language setting is set to UK English rather than US English, Privacy Party cannot detect the difference. However, there are a number of localization differences that may cause the Notifications recommendations and other automations to fail.

Facebook 2FA Scan

If you have 2FA already on for Facebook, Block Party does not correctly detect your 2FA configuration and will still presents the recommendation as unfulfilled.

Google Profile Picture Visibility (Fixed v1.26.1)

Google has removed the ability to change the visibility of your profile picture. Our recommendation to update this setting will error.

LinkedIn AI Opt Out for Non-US users (Fixed v1.26.1)

If you are based outside of the U.S., the recommendation to Opt your data out of AI model training and other research may not be present for your region. The automation to update the setting will error, but your account should already be safe.

Google payment related information (Fixed v1.26.1)

There is some variation in payment related information settings depending on the type of Google account you have or your region. Privacy Party may error while trying to scan these settings.

Facebook message requests (Fixed v1.21.0)

Facebook has removed it's message request settings in some accounts. Privacy Party may error while trying to scan or update these settings.

YouTube login detection (Fixed v1.20.1)

Privacy Party's ability to detect whether you are logged into YouTube is currently limited by the language setting on the platform. If the language is not set to English, Privacy Party will not be able to detect your logged in status and will continuously prompt you to 'Continue by logging in'.

Reddit settings page updates (Fixed v1.18.0)

Reddit has re-organized their settings such as moving their "messaging" settings to the "privacy" section and rolled out new page elements. All Reddit playbook automations will fail for users with updated pages.

LinkedIn removes the "People who also viewed" feature (Fixed v1.11.0)

The LinkedIn playbook scan will error on the "Limit unwanted network connections" recommendation. Associated automations to turn off the "People Also Viewed" setting will no longer work.

Compatibility Issues

Privacy Party is an extension and takes advantage of default browser functionality to scan your settings and detect if you are logged in to your social media accounts. If you have other extensions or add-ons that change how your browser works (e.g. restricts cookie, modifies network requests, etc.), this may also interfere with Privacy Party.

Twitter Control Extension

The Twitter Control Panel extension modifies many aspects of the website interface to improve the experience, but may cause automation errors or failures for Privacy Party. Our automations often look for expected elements on the page to update settings or take action on your behalf and may not be able to complete if things are missing.

Firefox Multi-Account Containers

Privacy Party has issues detecting whether you are logged into your social media platforms when paired with Firefox containers due to cookie limitations.

See full Privacy Party release notes here